Thursday, August 4, 2011
The Scary Truth Behind Hacking Gone Wild
Adding to the madness, a recent article in the Wall Street Journal ( highlighted the fact that in a 2010 the U.S. Secret Service and Verizon Communications's forensic analysis unit responded to a combined 761 data breaches (up from 141 in 2009). Of those, 63% were at companies with 100 employees or less. As also stated in the WSJ article, Visa estimates that about 95% of credit card data breaches involve its smallest business customers.
Yesterday, Fox News reported that "The world's most extensive case of cyber-espionage, including attacks on U.S. government and U.N. computers, was revealed Wednesday by online security firm McAfee" (
What is going on? It feels like a significant paradigm shift is happening in the information security industry and it is not a good one. But why is this happening? In my opinion, what is going on is very simple. Highly publicized hacks followed by named groups like "Anonymous" and "Lulzsec" create the unfortunately all to correct impression that hacking computers is easy. The fact that these attacks are not followed up by highly publicized arrests and convictions creates the unfortunately all to correct impression that you can hack computers and get away with it. Given the likelihood of success and of not getting caught, the situation, from a potential criminal's perspective, boils down to a quote from last week's PaulDotCom podcast - "If you can't do the time, do cybercrime".
The state of cyber security is poor, to say the least. Simple attacks such as spear-phishing and SQL injection are far too successful in far too many circumstances and the bad guys pull further and further ahead. Former L0pht member and current DARPA project manager Peiter Zatko (a.k.a. Mudge) gave a presentation at the most recent ShmooCon stating that the average piece of malware has 125 lines of code while the average piece of defensive software has around 10 million. This disparity creates a problem. Attackers can generate 80,000 different pieces of malware for the effort it takes us to create a single defensive application. And because their malware is much simpler, they would still win that race.
Our biggest problem is that we continue to think of information security in evolutionary terms. We have started with a fairly basic castle model - build big walls around our stuff. As we discovered that doesn't really work by itself, we added some monitoring capabilities and shifted, in thought if not in deed, to the mantra "protection is ideal but detection is a must". In fact, my friend Winn Schwartau wrote a great book called "Time Based Security" that basically stated that the level of security could be measured by the time it takes to detect and then respond to security threats. As we continued to tear holes in out "castles" as a result of third-party connectivity needs, remote workers, web application proliferation, etc. our model started to break again so we again shifted. Now we try to focus on the endpoint by deploying host-based IDS/IPS, endpoint protection, etc. We create walls using VPN tunnels and SSL encryption. Unfortunately, we are still stuck within the same castle - only now the castle just happens to move with us.
The castle was the major defensive military structure throughout the middle ages. The walls withstood prolonged attack and sieges were expensive and dangerous. Breaking castle walls required digging under them using sappers or employing complex siege machines like catapults and trebuchets. Both of these methods were complex, dangerous, expensive and had to be built at the scene of the battle. The came gunpowder and the state of warfare was changed. Now cannon could be deployed to break down castle walls. Those cannon could be build off-site and hauled to the battle by horses, could be fired at range and could be moved to knock down the next castle after the first was rubble. In modern information security, we still use castles - the bad guys use gunpowder.
As I mentioned, I believe a paradigm shift is necessary. One of the best ideas I saw was a posting by Lenny Zeltser entitled "Reflections on Deception and Protean Tactics" - In this article, Lenny postulates about the use of technologies that are easy for us to deploy but that significantly disrupt or delay the attackers. Examples of these include the LaBrea Tarpit, honeypots and “Sparse” files that would look normal on the file system, but would be huge in size when being downloaded.
I don't know if this is the right approach, part of a right approach or if it is going in the wrong direction entirely. I do know that the approach we currently use is resulting in defenders falling further behind each day. While as an industry, I don't believe we have all the answers, I do believe that the first step is identifying the problem. After all, as they used to say on the G.I. Joe cartoons in the 80's, "knowing is half the battle".
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Back to Basics
A article about recent Booz Allen Hamilton compromise, Anonymous was quoted as saying "We infiltrated a server on their network that basically had no security measures in place. We were able to run our own application, which turned out to be a shell and began plundering some booty. Most shiny is probably a list of roughly 90,000 military emails and password hashes (md5, non-salted of course!). We also added the complete sqldump, compressed 50MB, for a good measure." Yesterday, a colleague of mine stated that he found a basic authentication bypass SQL injection bypass vulnerability in a clients payroll server and found that the username/password combination of GUEST/GUEST worked on that same client's VPN. From what I saw or could infer from news about many of the Lulzsec compromises, they seemed to be using SQL injection or similar attacks.
I know 0-day compromises are possible and a threat. I know there are ways to break different types of encryption. I also know that people, generally, can tend to be a little lazy. I don't mean lazy in a bad way but if given the choice between cracking passwords and typing 'or 1=1 into a password field, which would you do? Would you rather research and use an new 0-day exploit or leverage the fact that the target hasn't patched Adobe Reader in 3 years.
As a penetration tester, there are some basic techniques that make my life a lot harder:
• Good patching practice, not only for Microsoft but for all technologies
• Basic hardening, particularly something as simple as changing default passwords
• Security focused web and email filtering.
• Strong firewall rules for both ingress and egress
• Network segmentation and access controls between segments
• A decent web application firewall
• Updated endpoint protection
How many recent (publicized or otherwise) attacks could have been prevented by these fairly basis measures? Am I saying that this is all that is necessary for security? Absolutely not, but I do think that as security professionals, we tend to miss the obvious and focus on the complicated leaving the bad guys with big holes to walk right through. Perhaps we should spend a little time getting back to basics and make sure that the foundation of our security program, the policies and the security infrastructure, are in place because all too often when doing risk assessments for my customers, I find that is not even close to being the case.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Cisco Identity Services Engine: What it Means To You
The recent introduction of Cisco’s next generation network access control system (ISE) raises the bar for internal network security controls and should make you examine whether this system is appropriate for your organization.
ISE is an integrated network access control system. The system is designed to restrict network access based on criteria defined by the organization. These criteria typically includes any combination of the following:
· Correct user ID & password authentication
· Windows group membership
· Up-to-date operating system patches
· Antivirus software functioning & up-to-date
· Machine owned and managed by the organization
· Operating system and/or browser
Based on these criteria, the level of network access is defined commensurate with risk. For example, machines that do not have updated patches might be permitted to only “talk” to the patch server so that updates can be installed. Further, network access can be defined dynamically based on the users role (i.e., only Human Resources users are permitted access to the servers containing personnel data.) Restricted network access for guest users is a natural extension of this technology, allowing visitors to access the Internet using existing infrastructure while protecting internal resources.
In legacy NAC systems, this control is implemented through dynamic VLAN assignment in conjunction with a separate control point, typically a dedicated firewall or NAC appliance acting as a primitive firewall. More modern 802.1x NAC systems control access at the switch-port level, but have proven difficult to implement and maintain, requiring multiple disparate systems to manage.
Cisco ISE is innovative in that it implements everything mentioned above in a single integrated platform with a rich, flexible set of policy controls. ISE has broad hardware support, including the most common Cisco switches & wireless devices. Further, tools to accommodate non-NAC and/or non-802.1x compatible devices, such as printers, IP phones, or CCTV systems, are cohesive and mature, requiring minimal effort to maintain.
Employing security consultants and engineers with broad cross-functional experience, NWN STAR is uniquely qualified to design and implement Cisco ISE systems. Our engineers have implemented NAC systems across a variety of industries, including government, education, banking, retail, and healthcare environments. NWN recently became one of the first Cisco partners to be trained and certified to implement these systems for both small- and large-scale environments.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Gmail Users Beware
I would like to think that I am fairly security savvy, given that is what I do for a living but this event has opened my eyes to how vigilant we must be as defenders and the true advantage attacker have over us.
I first discovered that this Gmail account had been compromised when I started receiving bounce-back messages from a strange email address - I know I didn't send any email address so I did some digging. It turns out that QQ is a popular instant messaging site in China. Hmmmm, that's not good. I then checked out the setting on my Gmail account and discovered what actually happened.
Typically, I view the email from this particular Gmail account on any of various other devices (iPad, laptop, etc.). As a result, I don't usually log in to Gmail itself. When I did, I was presented with a big, red flashy sign that said, basically, Danger Will Robinson, someone has recently logged into your account from China - click here to see what happened. I clicked there and found that my account had been accessed at least 3 times from China starting around 10 days before I detected the problem. That, of course, prompted additional investigation.
I looked in the setting of my Gmail account and found a lot of bad things. I first noticed that someone had set up the QQ email address as an address that mail sent to the Gmail account could be forwarded to. Next, I discovered that the password recovery email address was also set to the QQ email address. Finally, I found a number of filters set up to forward any email containing the words "password", "info", "account" and "paypal" would be sent automatically to the QQ account. Also, any email from or would be forwarded.
Given that I don't use this Gmail account for anything critical, I'm not terribly concerned about the impact of this hack. I suppose someone in China could steal my subscription to a newsletter or discussion group but that's not that big of a deal. There are a couple of things that really do have me concerned.
First, how did the attacker manage to compromise my account without me knowing about it? Perhaps my password could have been better but doesn't Google have a setting to prevent brute force attacks?
Second, it scares me that the attacker was able to modify the settings of my Gmail account such that I would not have found out about the attack if the QQ address hadn't been shut down. How many others don't log into the Gmail web site but rely on, phone mail clients, Outlook or similar mail clients to get their mail?
Third, how many people use their Gmail accounts to conduct real business (either professional or personal)? How many people use Gmail to reset the passwords on their bank accounts, to pay bills, etc. This type of attack had little real negative impact on me but that we partially dumb luck in that I don't use Gmail for anything really important.
Finally, is this problem specific to Gmail? Are other web-based mail services less vulnerable? Equally vulnerable? More vulnerable?
To wrap things up, if you are reading this and use a web-based email service like Gmail, check you settings as soon as you can. I'm not saying you've been hacked but it is better to be safe than sorry. Remember to check the settings and change your password to these sites regularly.
And Google, if you are by any chance listening, please include an account lockout function (if you don't already have one) and please allow me to include a setting that alerts me if settings are changed. It doesn't have to be fancy - just a quick email stating that "we just wanted to let you know that your settings have been changed - if you didn't do this, you've been hacked!".
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Nessus Parser V0.10
Nessus Parser v0.10 – This is a program to parse a series of Nessus XMLv2 files into a XLSX file. The data from the XML file is placed into a series of tabs to for easier review and reporting. New features with this edition are better reporting of policy plugin families, user account reporting, summary graphs, and a home page with summary data. For more information and questions please contact Cody Dumont from the NWN STAR team.
Email – cdumont”AT”
Friday, May 27, 2011
Access Granted
I told my friend that there shouldn’t be too much to worry about, because while there’s enough pieces compromised to launch a brute force attack (basically, an educated guess that is retried until you succeed), there shouldn’t be enough to do a more damaging attack. Brute force attempts are fairly easy to spot, mitigate, and deny access. My friend was put, at least a little, at ease. That was until last week…
I received notification that sometime last week, a very large U.S defense contractor that uses SecureID tokens from RSA to provide two-factor authentication (something you have, and something you know; think of your Bank Card and your PIN) for remote VPN access to their corporate networks. Before Monday morning an alert went out, and all remote access to the internal corporate network was shutdown. Employees were notified that remote access could be down upwards of a week, possibly more. For telecommuters, this meant you either came into a branch office, or you simply could no longer work. Two days ago, my friend told me, a notification that every person who had an RSA SecureID token, would be getting a new one. This process, as I discussed in my earlier article, would take at least a few weeks to funnel out to everyone.
Along with this, all users (over 100,000 of them) would be required to change their passwords. The amount of help desk related issues this causes, simply means that administrative level files and access have almost assuredly been compromised.
From what I can tell, whomever hacked RSA, had now come into possession of the algorithm for the current tokens, and had then managed to install a key-stroke logger somewhere on the network. With both of these pieces, that unknown lock I discussed earlier in this article was now known.
While this was an expected outcome (most security folks like myself, have been awaiting such a breach), it was not enough to circumvent this from occurring. Shortly after the RSA breach became public knowledge, most companies that relied on SecureID for authentication, started requiring a second form of password before access to the network was granted. This, though as you can probably tell, would not resolve the issue if a key-logger was in place, as the hacker would know the password the minute it was typed.
I am a “Glass Half Full” sort of person, so I guess the silver lining in this story is that my friend and his staff were able to spot the intrusion, and acted appropriately to mitigate any further incidents. Kudos are warranted for such a feat as this is not an easy task. Although the aftershocks caused by this incident will be many, and far into the future.
While I am sure this is not an isolated incident, it is a major one, and one of the first public ones. At the time of this writing, I can state I know of others as well. This is not the first successful hacking attempt using the compromised SecureID technology. It certainly won’t be the last…
What concerns me most though, is that RSA has not been as forthwith in providing full disclosure about what was compromised and how vulnerable we are. RSA, if you’re listening, pretending like this didn’t happen and keeping it all secret, does not help things, it only makes them harder to track.
Even given all of the issues raised in this article, I don’t see anyone abandoning RSA or the SecureID product it sells. While most networks exchange token information over a secured and encrypted network path, this is only a false sense of security. My friend, and his organization can now attest to this.
If this can happen to a very secure network, employing some really talented security staff and products, it can happen to others as well. How far this will lead, and what sort of national secrets will be exposed now that such an attack has publically been proven to work, only time will tell.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Thus Quoth the Token Nevermore
There is an oft used term that a recent event is a 'sign of the times'. In 2011 though, technology has dictated the ringing of the bell announcing the dead - at least in terms of the traditional token. Gone are the days of the telltale SecurID key fob dangling from your house keys. The recent hacking of RSA exposed data that could ultimately compromise the security of the widely used SecurID token. In their defense, it's not the first time tokens have been attacked; and yes, compromised. Tokens are, in fact, still around. So, why, you may ask, is this year different from previous ones?
Let us review:
- During the 70's the 8 inch floppy was king
- The 80's gave way to the 5 inch floppy disk & later, the 3.5 inch
- The 90's took it a step further and gave us the CD, USB, and DVD for media alternatives
- All hail, the Blu-ray of the new millennium
What this shows is that all things change. Nothing, especially where technology is concerned, is constant. Two factor authentication is no exception. While two factor authentication has seen improvements since the days of yore with complex and cumbersome challenge tokens, we're still relying on this antiquated technology in the majority of physical tokens today.
If you think that a solution is great only because it's stood the test of time longer than most, think again. Columbus thought that, and he ended up only 9,000 miles away from his goal. This sure isn't India...
The simple fact is there are several issues with physical tokens and the way they are, and continue to be, implemented. Some of these problems have been around for almost the entire 30 years we've been using them.
Here are a few examples:
- Token deployment, even as simple as issuing a SecurID token to an employee, is tedious, and time consuming; sometimes even relying on snail mail which could take in excess of many months for distribution over an entire enterprise
- Over 10% to 15% will be damaged, lost, or stolen every year
- Barring all this, at best, a token's lifespan is 3 to 5 years
- Users forget their tokens - even ones attached to key rings; Contractors lose track of which token is for which client, adding more confusion
- Physical token systems require updates, maintenance, re-synchronization, and replacement
To every problem, a solution exists. How can we, as a global enterprise, still be secure, yet use technology that is already in place? The answer is simple - and you already own it.
Enter: The Mighty Cell Phone.
SMS has been in use for years, but with the global community reaching in excess of well over 5 billion devices currently in use, it seems most of us have overlooked one thing SMS is good for - that being to act as an authentication token. A passcode is sent to your Droid phone, for instance, thus eliminating the need for a physical token. SMS alone is not the answer, though. SMS does, in fact, have its pitfalls. The real answer lies in an ability to create similar (or even better, stronger) security that is already inherent in devices we already predominantly use. The unreliable nature of delays in messaging, cellular dead zones, or network issues with your provider are actual issues you may very well face. I am certain that those who wish to still cling to an antiquated technology, such as key fob based tokens, are sure to use as a rallying cry. At what point, though, do you stop bailing the sinking ship, and find a newer, better, stronger one?
Now Entering: MobilePASS.
MobilePASS by SafeNet, is a technology that still uses the same methodology of tokens, that being a two-factor authentication system. It simply does it in a better way. With MobilePASS, there's no additional hardware to lug around with you, the technology is easily deployed (and furthermore, managed), and the learning curve is non-existent. You do know how to download an app, don't you?
Strong encryption is still on the playing field. The tried and true two-factor authentication is still in the mix, yet the cumbersome, expensive, and dare I say, recently compromised hardware token, isn't.
"But what about my Windows Device?"
"There's an App for that".
In fact, not only is there an app for that old desktop of yours, but there's one for the iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Android, Java 2ME, and even Out Of Band devices via SMS. Did I mention that it also covers Windows Server based platforms as well?
To log on to a secure network, from a laptop, PC or even an iPad (with the right software installed of course), users generate a One-Time Password (or OTP for short), via the MobilePASS app on their phone, and then enter this in the login screen thus creating a secure connection. Out of band delivery can also be granted via SMS or even email.
While MobilePASS by SafeNet is only one solution out there that utilizes cellular technology to end the need for the traditional token, this sort of solution is great for many reasons.
It is estimated that such a solution as moving to an SMS based method such as this can reduce the ongoing running costs of authentication means by over a whopping 40 to 60 percent! Lower cost, higher convenience, and utilizing technology already in place.
SafeNet is a global solutions partner of NWN Corporation. As such, NWN can leverage this partnership to assist our clients in lowering their bottom line, ensuring the security of their infrastructure, and delivering the best technology-based solutions currently available.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
From ShmooCon - URL Enlargement
We all have seen URL shorteners. Many Twitter clients utilize them automatically. If you haven't seem one, check out Basically, you put a URL of any length in and you get a shortened version back out. For example, if I enter, I get back Now that's a savings of only 5 characters. That's not much but could help when using something like Twitter. If you are talking about longer URLs, the savings can be significant.
OK, that's convenient but what does that have to do with information security? Here's where the fun part begins. Check out this link - No, really! I promise there's no malware there. In fact, it won't actually point to a web page. Just check out the URL that it resolves to. If you don't want to actually click on the like, check out or
OK, so we've established that URL shortening can be used to circumvent DLP systems. What else can it do? Well, a while back Billy Hoffman (a.k.a. Acidus) created a tool called TinyDisk. It is basically a file system that utilizes TinyURL (or other shortener) for storage. Now you can upload large data files to a stealth file system. That's cool. Unfortunately, I did some quick checking and couldn't find TinyDisk available for download. I'm sure it's out there but I couldn't find it with the 2 minutes of checking I did.
We've established that URL shortening can be used to establish covert channels but there are some other uses that I found to be particularly interesting.
When performing social engineering, will a user click on a link to Probably. But let's assume that the user is paying attention. They might think twice about clicking on somethingevil but what about clicking on Now that's a completely different story. URL shorteners can be used to hide the javascript tags in a cross-site scripting attack or other URL parameters that might give away what you are really trying to do.
Also, when a user clicks on a shortened URL, their browser actually connects to the URL shortening service server and that server refers them to the final destination. If you are doing penetration testing and want to track who clicked on what, you can send different people URLs to the same site that were shortened by different URL shorteners. That way, tracking the referred will allow you to identify who clicked what.
One last point. What would happen if you encoded malware in base-64 and shortened that via a URL shortener? Hmmmmm.
Thanks Daniel for an excellent talk. Now off to the URL shortening.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Nessus Vulnerability XML Parser v8 and Cisco ACL Parser v0.05
Nessus Vulnerability XML Parser v8 – There was a bug in the creation of the TEXT File report generation. The issue was cause by a variable I called in a foreach loop, if the variable was not an array, but a hash the script would fail. No other changes were made.
The Cisco ACL Parser v0.05 – In the ASA a type of ACL used for the SSL Any-Connect Portal is called a WEBACL. There was a problem in the parsing of these ACL types. Also I changed the name of the output file to be the device hostname-output.csv “fw01-output.csv” instead of “hostname fw01-output.csv”.
These downloads can be found at Cody's blog at
I hope everyone enjoys the scripts and I hope to see you at ShmooCon.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Where did all the IP addresses go?
I found a lot of what you'd expect - a bunch of /8 ranges assigned to ARIN, RIPE NCC, LACNIC, etc. That's not that interesting. I did find something that was, to me, more interesting. Over 20 /8 ranges were assigned to private companies such as GE, IBM, Xerox HP, DEC, Apple, MIT, Ford, Halliburton, Eli Lily, Bell North, Prudential Securities, Merck and duPont. Also, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has at least 4 that I counted. IANA has 2 allocated to themselves.
This got me thinking. Does any single company actually need over 16 million public IP addresses? I mean, in the age of NAT, PAT and RFC1918 what do you do with that many public networks. The 13 companies I listed above actually have over 200 million public IP addresses between them. To me, that's a little much.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that these companies don't have a right to the IP addresses they registered. I'm not saying that these companies should be forced to give them up. I'm just wondering if DEC or Xerox even have 16 million computers, let alone the need for 16 million public addresses.
Wait! Stop! Hold on a minute! I'm thinking about this all wrong. Just think of the new security concerns there will be when we move to IPv6 in full. OK, so never mind what I was saying. The the IPv6 insanity begin!!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Small Business Security 101 - Overview
This first posting is going to address some of the myths about security and small to medium-sized businesses so let's get right down to business.
Myth 1: My business is too small to be targeted.
This often (but not exclusively) comes up when discussing security with organizations that have only a few employees. The thought is that "hackers" will target big companies and will ignore small ones. This seems to make sense. Big companies have more to steal, they have a larger footprint and they are far more well known. This, however, assumes that all attackers are intentionally targeting their victims - a fact that is not always true. There are plenty of "target of opportunity" attackers out there. Viruses and worms, for the most part, don't care who they infect and if an attacker finds your vulnerable system during random scanning of the Internet, they will be happy to compromise you. Making things worse, your users are browsing the Internet, taking advantage of wireless hot spots at airports, hotels and Starbucks and placing their laptops behind Best Buy purchased broadband routers with the default configuration when they work from home. All of these put your users and your organization at risk. Some studies have shown that a random computer gets compromised if placed unprotected on the Internet after 15 minutes. There are 96, 15-minute blocks per day, 672 per week and 34,944 per year. That's a lot of time for a compromise to happen.
Myth 2: I don't have anything of value so there's no reason I'd be compromised.
This statement simply highlights some misunderstandings or ignorance about what is considered valuable. To a bad buy hacker, any business is ripe with valuable targets. They want your processing power, Internet bandwidth and hard drive space for storing and distributing porn, stolen credit card numbers and other contraband. They also want your systems to use as Spam relays and bot-net zombies.
More personally, employees have access to bank accounts (corporate and personal), Facebook accounts and and even World of Warcraft. Recently, a "friend" on Facebook contacted me via Facebook IM stating that he got mugged outside his hotel in London and that he needed money to get home. His account had been compromised. I didn't send any money but how many people would have - particularly if it was a close friend. I'll also admit to the fact that I had a World of Warcraft account (yes I'm a nerd) that I stopped using for around a year or so get compromised. These things happen all the time.
Finally, bad guy hackers also want personal information such as names, addresses and social security numbers. Identity theft is real and can create havoc in the lives of the victims. And if you think that one of your employees suffering identity theft has nothing to do with you business, wait until it happens and see how their performance and productivity are affected.
Myth3: I have a firewall and anti-virus so I'm secure.
This myth was not limited to the SMB space until fairly recently. This was a common belief until significant, publicized breaches and comprehensive regulatory requirements swayed many large (and regulated) organizations over to a more comprehensive security program mentality. Unfortunately, it still rings true for many organizations. It is, in fact, quite false for a number of reasons. First, the fact is that anti-virus technology is not perfect. Every time testing is done, testers find that some AV products catch some malware and some miss. I've not seen any solid statistics but the number that rings fairly true is that the average AV product is between 60 and 70% effective. Anti-virus is not the answer (although it is part of the answer).
Firewalls are even more of a problem. In the past firewalls were set up to block all inbound traffic and that was good. Then organizations decided it would be a good thing to receive email and host web sites - and holes were created in the firewall. Then organizations went from web sites to mission critical web applications and more holes were created. Today, it is not uncommon to find firewalls with dozens or ports and protocols allowed in, each and every one of which represent a risk. Making things worse, most firewalls are configured to block (at least some) inbound access but to allow all outbound access. This means that users all allowed to establish outbound connections to any IP address on the Internet using any port - and the firewall will allow the responses back in. All an attacker need to do is trick one user into opening a file, click on a link or visit a malicious site and your firewall is now, effectively useless.
Myth 4: Small businesses have simple IT environments.
This isn't something that people often say but rather something that people often assume. Along with that assumption is that security is, as a result, easy. While this may be the case for some organizations, it is not uncommon for even fairly small organizations to have VoIP phone systems, virtualization, wireless, storage (either SAN or NAS), wide area network connections, VPN (site-to-site, IPSec and SSL) tunnels and Active Directory (or other LDAP). These are complex and sophisticated technologies that each bring with them a unique set of security concerns. Particularly in smaller organizations, knowledge of these security risks and the skills necessary to address them is not available making security all the more difficult.
We've discussed some of the myths about security for small to medium-sized businesses. Hopefully, it is fairly obvious that in the SMB space, while organizations may have fewer employees, they require every bit as sophisticated a security program as their larger counterparts. Consider the following:
- A collections company that maintains a database with the personal information of over 11 million people including, in some cases, credit card and bank account data
- A private equity fund company that manages over $3 billion in assets
- A web application development company that focuses on providing health care data to pharmaceutical companies
- A business that provides data center services to credit unions
The question faced by these organzations, and by may others is how can we achieve these security goals with minimal staff, minimal budget and minimal resources. That is the question that will be answered by upcoming postings. In future postings we will discuss each of a variety of security topics and how they can be addressed by the average SMB. We'll be discussing the following:
- VoIP – network design, 802.1x & NAC
- Endpoint - anti-malware, encryption, application control (blacklisting/whitelisting), integrity verification
- Smart phones
- Network design
- Web app vulnerability scanning, web app firewall
- Firewalls and VPN
- Authentication – user provisioning, good passwords, tokens, rights assignment, admin rights
- SEIM/Central Monitoring
- Network Device Hardening
- Active Directory – design, GPO
- Vulnerability Scanning, Patch Management
- Virtualization
- Wireless network design, authentication/802.1x/WPA2, etc.
- Wireless client attacks, bluetooth, keyboards, etc.
- Wireless IDS
- Data Leakage Protection
- Media Sanitization
- Data Classification, Risk Assessment, Security Awareness, Acceptable Use, Incident Response, Change Control
- Physical Security
- Regulatory Compliance, Policies
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Auditing Access Control Lists
ACL2CSV parser is a PERL script, which reads Cisco router, switch, and firewall (PIX, and ASA) configuration files that have been exported from the device in flat text format. It parses the ACLS and object groups (PIX and ASA only) and generates an easy to understand CSV file. This file can them be opened in Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet software for easy viewing or additional analysis. The ACL2CSV tool expands all object groups and places them into the correct location as if the ACL did not use object groups. The object group expansion works for all object group types. The ACL2CSV parser is extremely fast and easy to use.
For instructions on the use of ACL2CSV, visit Cody’s personal blog at and select the link for Cisco ACL2CSV parser. If PERL is not installed on your system, you will need to do so. PERL can be found at or Once PERL is installed no additional modules are needed. The script assumes PERL is installed at “/usr/bin/perl”, and only uses the “strict” and “Getopt::Std” modules. After the script is copied into a folder found in your system path, you should also modify the permissions to allow the script to be executable. On a Unix, Linux or Mac computer, this can be accomplished via the chmod command.
Once the script is executed and installed, you can run the script. The script requires a file name as an argument, so if you simply type ./ you will receive the following message:
The command requires a File Name as a command line argument c:\old_pix_config.txt
To check the version, add the “-v” or “v” as the command line argument.
ACL Parser for Cisco IOS, PIX & ASA
DEVELOPED AND OWNED BY Cody Dumont - NWN Security Testing Assessment and Response (STAR)
Licensed to Planet Earth.
I used some code for another tool of this type from James Bly AT
Also Anthony
Version Number 0.04 - Dec 2010
"For Questions Please Contact Cody Dumont - "
To run the script, use the following command:
/foo/bar/ fw_config.txt
Once the script is finished, a completion message will be displayed. There should be no other messages. In the event you receive a PERL array or HASH error message, this means that Cody did not do enough testing. If you get such an error, follow the PERL debugging steps or contact Cody at and he’ll be happy to fix the error.
The output of the script will look something like the following.
test441,1,extended,permit,tcp,any,,any,eq 44 ,,,,,access-list test441 extended permit tcp any any eq 44
test442,1,extended,permit,tcp,any,eq 44,any,eq 44 ,,,,,access-list test442 extended permit tcp any eq 44 any eq 44
test443,1,extended,permit,tcp,any,eq 44,any, ,,,,,access-list test443 extended permit tcp any eq 44 any
The definitions of each field are listed below.
NAME – The name of the ACL
LINE – The line in sequential order of the ACL. Please note if the ACL uses Object-Groups, then each Object-Group will have the same index number. The idea is to provide the user with same output of the “show access-lists” command. Please note “REMARK” ACL entries are not counted in this test.
TYPE – This is the TYPE of ACL, the options are standard, extended, webtype.
FUNCTION – The “permit” or “deny” entry.
PROTOCOL – The Layer 3 protocol controlled by the ACL entry.
SOURCE NET – The source network and subnet mask. If the entry is a host, then “host” will be displayed. However if “” is found in the ACL entry, then “” will be displayed. The script does not check the validly of the mask, and the assumption is the config is a direct output from “show running-configuration” or “show startup-configuration”.
SOURCE_PORT – If a source port is defined, then the source port is displayed. If no source port is defined this field will be empty.
DEST NET – Same as the SOURCE NET, but the destination section of the ACL entry is displayed.
DEST PORT - Same as the SOURCE PORT part of the ACL, but the destination section of the ACL entry is displayed.
TIME – ACLs can be time sensitive using the “time-range” command. If a time-range is defined, the name of the “time-range” is displayed, however the details of the “time-range” are not displayed. This might be added in a future release.
INACTIVE – If an ACL entry is listed as “INACTIVE”, the entry is left in the configuration, but is not an active rule. Other parsing tools often ignore this, but if “YES” is found in this field then the ACL enter is not an active rule. If the field is empty then the ACL entry is an active rule.
LOG – If log settings are configured, the settings are displayed in this cell. Two examples are “interval 5” and “notifications”.
REMARK – The “REMARK” section is a little harder to deal with. The configuration files currently put the “REMARK” in an ACL entry just above the ACL entry the “REMARK” is connected to. So in the parsing of the ACL, the script will check to see if the preceding entry was a remark, if so this field will be filled with “REMARK” statement. However some ACL’s might have more than one line as a remark, the script will not detect this case. The script will only detect the “REMARK” in the preceding line only.
ORIGINAL – The original ACL entry unmodified. The “REMARK” ACL entries are not displayed.
When the script is finished, open the file using any spreadsheet application. Then you can create filters, freeze panes, etc. You could also import the newly created ACL file into a database.
This tool can save a network administrator, security professional or auditor a lot of time sorting through ACLs. We at NWN STAR hope the security community will find this tool useful and will enhance the overall security of your information system.